Acupuncture Therapy
Are you experiencing chronic pain, such as neck soreness, headaches, cramps, or migraines? Have you felt nauseous after a recent operation, and the sensation won’t go away? Continue reading to learn more about how acupuncture therapy can be a good alternative to alleviate pain.
Why Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicinal practice that offers relief from physical ailments and discomforts. The conditions and chronic pains acupuncture can resolve include but aren’t necessarily limited to osteoarthritis, neck and lower back pain, persistent headaches, labor pain, postoperative nausea, and dental pain.
What to Expect During Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is based on the premise that stimulating specific points of your body’s connective tissues, muscles, and nerves reinvigorates the human body’s natural painkillers.
Acupuncture treatment has been used for thousands of years to address common ailments, but it’s advisable for patients with certain conditions to take precautions. If you are pregnant or have a bleeding disorder or a pacemaker, please consult with a medical doctor first before booking an appointment with an acupuncturist.
How Acupuncture Works?
The practice of acupuncture involves placing small, thin needles in specific locations of your body. The single-use needles are designed to cause as little discomfort as possible. Most clients don’t feel the needles being inserted at all, and it’s typical for us to use five to 20 needles per treatment session.
Since acupuncture originates from Eastern cultures, we utilize a variety of holistic complements to maximize our professional acupuncture practices. These complementary actions may include botanical medicines, Chinese herbs, and lifestyle recommendations.